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Intuitive Life Coaching

Nicole Frolick

“Following your intuition requires a state of peace that allows your mind to be in the unknown so that what is known in your heart may be embraced.”


Unleash Your Potential

Do you feel stuck in an area of your life? Do you feel like you’re living your life in a way that is compromising every dream you've ever envisioned for yourself? Do you know you’re capable of more but can’t seem to tap into that potential?

Coaching with Nicole

Nicole’s style of coaching is for someone who desires to live life on their terms. If you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling on your potential and want to break through it, Nicole can help you remove the blocks that are getting in your way. Her style of coaching is unconventional and tailored uniquely just for you. No two people will ever be coached in the same way.

If you’re looking to wake up with more joy and experience more fulfillment in all aspects of your life then you’re ready to expand into your limitless potential. You will learn how to shift your internal lack into abundance so that your external world will begin to mirror your self-worth.

Your dedication and commitment to this process is reflected in how willing you are to drop your current limitations and explore all of the possibilities waiting for you. Your choices can be very revealing in which space you are living from. Often people do not realize when their choices reflect their fears. Observe your choices and ask yourself: which choice will reflect my deepest hopes and desires? This is the space we all want to be choosing from to live in our limitless potential.

When you work with Nicole, you will be challenged. Your limiting beliefs will have to be broken down so that the beliefs that support you to be your greatest version of self can come forth. It will be a journey that once you start, you will never be the same. Awareness is the greatest alchemy there is.


$129 | 30 min Tarot + 30 min Coaching

$139 | 60 min Zoom Coaching Session


Nicole will help you uncover the limitations in your mind that are preventing you from expanding your potential. You will get access to a variety of techniques that will bring a deeper understanding into your relationships, your contribution to society, the choices you're making, your creativity and passion, and of course who you truly are.

Topics covered:

Manifestation | Creativity | Self-empowerment | Joy Activation | Meditation | Self-discovery | Expanding Consciousness |   Communication | Raising Your Vibrations | Soul Language | Visions | Health | Intuition | Ascension



All coaching is done via Zoom video and occasionally includes in person sessions at various locations.

All compensation is paid prior to the first coaching session and is non-refundable.

If you are interested in working together, please email Nicole at

Book Your Session
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