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A Deep Psychic Descent to Embrace Your Hidden Truths & Unlock Your Greatest Destiny

The Forbidden Journey is a unique coaching, mentoring, and healing program that is designed to guide you through uncovering the patterns, drives, urges, and compulsions ruled by your unconscious mind that significantly influence your attitudes, choices, and the direction of your life. Using the blueprint hidden within your 12th house of astrology as well as the position of Pluto and the Nodes of Destiny, you will discover which impulses you have been denying that leave you emotionally and physically depleted in your everyday life.


Instead of being ashamed of your weaknesses that undermine the realization of your conscious goals, you’ll discover that buried within your shame, doubt, and fears lies your greatest purpose and talents to actualize your destiny. It is understood that much of your past is contained within the 12th house, but what is also contained in the 12th is your future and the hidden potentials you have yet to connect with.


The greatest struggle I have witnessed within people is this deep longing to be whole and to fulfill their dreams and destiny, but often lacks the direction, energy, confidence, and emotional and mental power to achieve it in physical manifestation. 


The Sacred Siren Calls To You...

Step onto the sacred path of self-discovery, where compassion and courage intertwine to guide you through an extraordinary transformation. Prepare to embark on The Forbidden Journey, a premium 1:1 coaching program led by myself, a spiritual leader and guide devoted to unveiling your Secret Self and illuminating the path to your hidden purpose, talents, and strengths.


The Forbidden Journey was created because I understand the depths of your desire to shift your life now, to delve into the untouched territories of your soul, and to confront your deepest fears and trauma points that have fragmented your being. This is a sanctuary of profound healing, where the tenderness of compassion meets the boldness of courage to support you on your path to becoming the best version of yourself.

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Through deep psychic descents, we will open the portals of your heart and mind, delving deep into the realms of your unconscious. With powerful techniques that create coherency between your heart and mind, we will reprogram your subconscious, freeing you from the limitations of the past and allowing your authentic self to emerge.


Drawing insights from your astrological birth chart, we’ll uncover the profound lessons encoded within your trauma, unveiling the intricate tapestry of your soul's purpose. Together, we will embark on a deep psychic descent, confronting your fears and meeting the Guardian of the Gate, unlocking areas of yourself you have never before encountered.


"The Shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light."  



As we traverse this transformative path, we will heal your inner child, mending the wounds of the past and reconnecting you with the innocence, joy, and wonder that resides within you. Soul fractal healing will reveal the true identity of each fractured aspect, its purpose, and how to integrate it back into the embrace of your heart.


Using guided meditations and sacred ceremonies, we will merge soul fractals and future visions, weaving them into your new reality. You’ll be supported through deeply transformative exercises  that carefully pull on the threads of your soul to build a deeper connection to your truth. Finally, you will undergo a rebirthing process, emerging with a well-defined blueprint, a roadmap to your chosen destiny. Short-term and long-term goals will be isolated, and the necessary steps to fulfill your dreams will be crystal clear.


​The Forbidden Journey is unlike any other program you have encountered. It mirrors the deep psychic descent of a plant medicine journey, tapping into the power of the unconscious mind and catalyzing mystical yet practical healing. My clients experience transformative shifts that ripple through every aspect of their lives, creating deeper connections, reigniting passions, and unlocking the door to a profoundly meaningful existence.



During the first 2 weeks, you will partake in the initiation to cross the threshold that exists between who you have always been and who you are destined to be.

Knowing the truth of who you are, including the parts of you that you’d rather not face, requires deep bravery. In these weeks, you will unmask yourself, stripping away the ideal image you’ve been hostage to, and face your forbidden fractals.

There is a Guardian of the Gate to your most secret self and in these 6 weeks, you will answer the Siren’s call, remove the Guardian, and take a deep psychic descent into the most hidden aspects of your soul.

This is your invitation to return home. During these weeks, you will reclaim your lost soul fractals and identify the hidden purpose behind each one. You’ll tap into new wellsprings of power and discover your hidden talents and strengths.

This is your rebirth. These final weeks will be a shamanic experience to anchor in the New You, including a Union Ceremony with other versions of yourself to download upgraded gifts you’ve inherited from this journey. This will be the mapping of your future dreams.

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When you answer the call and take the plunge, you will be guided and given:


~ Weekly 60 minute sessions for the first 3 months

~ Biweekly 90 minute sessions for the final 3 months

~ Modules for each week to deepen your understanding of the work you are doing while providing a blueprint

to uncovering your Secret Self 

~ A map to understanding your unique astrological blueprint and the hidden strengths, talents,

and purpose of your destiny

~ Carefully crafted exercises and healing tools to assist you in your deeper work outside each session

~ Access to Nicole via text or phone call 

~ Access to the recordings of each session with Nicole

~ A BONUS Forbidden Journey Ceremonial Kit mailed to your home 

If you are ready to embark on The Forbidden Journey, where tender compassion and courageous guidance will unlock your hidden truths and guide you toward your true purpose, then connect with me now and step into a life of authenticity, joy, and unbounded potential.

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