Embarking on the Forbidden Journey...
The Forbidden Journey is an invitation to the lost and forgotten parts of your soul, banished into exile, to finally return home so that you can uncover your hidden and yet most valuable strengths, talents, and untapped purpose.
The home of the secret self resides in the 12th house of your astrological birth chart. It is not only where your weaknesses lie, but also your rich resources of undeniable power.
To know your true self is to reclaim the lost and forgotten fractals of your soul, that were rejected and discarded along the way, in a reconnection powered by transcendence and divine access to the cosmos.
You may have often heard the expression ‘one has lost his/her way’, but in truth, what has been lost is the wholeness of true self in exchange for a watered down version of yourself that the ego believes the world can and will accept.
Through the denial of who you truly are, you begin to lose yourself, leaving remnants of your soul that were too painful to deal with in your past. You hope they will stay in the past, but as you begin to learn in your own spiritual development, time is an illusion. The past not only exists in the present moment, but until it is no longer denied, it will remain a dominant force in creating your future that recycles the unconscious narratives of the past already written.
In order to create a future that exhibits qualities, values, and desires in alignment with your truest self, you must embrace happiness over externalized expectations. You need to make the forbidden journey back to the lands of your forgotten soul and tend to the cries that have been calling you back since their exile.
This requires a passage deep into the very heart of who you are by crossing an intimate threshold and making it possible to emerge in this life as who you truly want to be. It is the most intimate journey one can make as you set out into the deepest core of your being in order to make all of the unfamiliar parts of you, familiar once again.
You may have heard the call of your own internal Siren to dive deep into the unchartered waters of your own unconscious mind because this is where the clues to your hidden dreams and desires await you. But, the call is often denied for fear of safety and perhaps the possibility that once you dive in, you may get so lost, you never find your way back to the shore of your own consciousness.
Resisting this call only leads to more painful experiences on the surface. But, eventually the pain on land (your life as it is today) becomes so great, the only option left is to answer the call.
I will act as a Surrogate Siren that co-captains your soul through a deep psychic descent into your very own unchartered waters. Together, you will feel safe and have permission to explore the taboo parts of you and your past.
You will unchain yourself from the self-imposed constraints your ego has placed upon you. You will break free of old conventions that are out-dated and no longer serve your true self.
The true Self who desires to emerge from deep within you.
Using a combination of intuition, practical mysticism, astrology, and over 25 years of personal experience in self-healing that helped me uncover my own secret self, I will guide you through:
Reclaiming the long, forgotten fractals of your soul for embodiment of your true, authentic Self.
Discovery and reignition of your passion for love, life, and adventure.
Executing your passion for deeper fulfillment in areas of your life where it’s been lost.
Turning your greatest fears into your most powerful allies and sources of joy.
Healing old wounds that sabotage your current happiness and future dreams.
Discovering or reconnecting to your untapped purpose.
Uncovering your hidden talents and strengths that align with your purpose.
Integration of your new purpose for collective service.
Deepening your own source of spirituality and transcendence.
Reaching new levels of consciousness and intuitive capabilities.
Discovering the true power of intimacy and its impact on your ability to make great decisions, trust yourself, and feel safe doing so.
Creating more intimate relationships with first yourself, spirit/God and others in your personal life.
Healthy boundary setting and maintenance for happier and interdependent relationships.
Enhanced self-advocacy.