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The forbidden Journey is a unique coaching, mentoring, and healing program that is designed to guide you through uncovering the patterns, drives, urges, and compulsions ruled by your unconscious mind that significantly influence your attitudes, choices, and the direction of your life. Using the blueprint hidden within your 12th house of astrology, you will discover which impulses you have been denying that leave you emotionally and physically depleted in your everyday life. Instead of being ashamed of your weaknesses that undermine the realization of your conscious goals, you’ll discover that buried within your shame, doubt, and fears lies your greatest purpose and talents to actualize your destiny.


The Forbidden Journey will mimic a plant medicine journey that is able to go into your unconscious mind and clear the unconscious blocks while experiencing deeply life-altering bursts of awareness that change you forever. The only question that matters at this point in time is, “Are you ready to fulfill your destiny once and for all?”


Your invitation to the Forbidden Journey will be mapped out over 4 months in a group setting online:


Month 1: Unmasking

Knowing the truth of who you are, including the parts of you that you’d rather not face, requires deep bravery. In this month, you will unmask yourself, stripping away the ideal image you’ve been hostage to, and face your forbidden fractals.


Month 2: Deep Dive

There is a Guardian of the Gate to your most secret self and in this month, you will answer the Siren’s call, remove the Guardian, and take a deep psychic descent into the most hidden aspects of your soul.


Month 3: Reclamation

This is your invitation to return home. In this month, you will reclaim your lost soul fractals and identify the hidden purpose behind each one. You’ll tap into new wellsprings of power and discover your hidden talents and strengths.


Month 4: Emergence

This is your rebirth. This month will be a shamanic experience to anchor in the New You, including a Union Ceremony with other versions of yourself to download upgraded gifts you’ve inherited from this journey. This will be the mapping of your future dreams. 


You'll get each month...

  • 2 Group calls (90 min) (8 total) Wednesdays at 2pm EST

  • One 30 min 1:1 session per month (4 total)

  • Closing ceremony 1:1 session for personal integration (45 min)

  • Unlimited access to Voxer support group

  • Biweekly Voxer access to Nicole for 1:1 questions (specified day/time)

  • Buddy system for personal support/accountability (pair up individuals for the program)

  • Forbidden Journey Ceremonial Kit mailed to your home


Congratulations for being accepted into the Forbidden Journey Group Coaching Program starting May 10th, 2023!


To reserve you spot, please follow the link below for the early bird pricing of $2777. 

The Forbidden Journey Group Coaching

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